Earlier I promised some folks that I would make prints of certain covers they wanted for certain walls in certain houses/submarines/fallout shelters. I'm pleased to announce that it's all been figured out (it's not that hard!), and now I'm opening up the whole digital print thing to whomever might fancy a bit of 2011 ephemera in their lives. Directly above us you'll find a photo the first batch, hot off the presses.
If you're wondering about that cryptic sigil in the lower right corner of each print, well, that's just there to ward off evil spirits. And it's also my signature. I'll write the date (i.e., the title) of each drawing on the back of each print.
The prints are 11" x 14" and, since I know you'll want to keep them forever and ever, they're printed on heavyweight matte stock with archival inks. I'm processing all transactions through an Etsy store, which you can see here. You'll notice there are only 4 prints listed in the Etsy store as of tonight, but rest assured that you can get a print of any drawing from the mixed media daily archives. Email me (mixedmediadaily@gmail.com) the date of the drawing you want printed, and I'll throw it up on Etsy for you.
While I was going back through the drawings to select candidates for an initial print run, it hit me that it would be fun (for me, at least) to see a group of the drawings that share a common theme or figure or object all laid out together (the original drawings are bound up in sketchbooks and thus I cannot mix and match and arrange them at will). I'll be posting comps of a few of these clusters in the months to come, whenever I have a spare minute.