Wednesday, December 20, 2017

20 December 2017

Today I've opted to revisit The Sydney Morning Herald, and waiting for me on the front page were, side by side, a large photo of folks chillin' at the beach, and an article about political intrigue in Turnbull's new cabinet appointments. Clearly the beach won that fight (hey, I'm on vacation). Oh, and Christmas gets a mention on A1, because this country takes its holidays very seriously, thank you very much. Sorry, I honestly tried with the story about cabinet appointments, but I have my own dysfunctional government to monitor. Speaking of my own dysfunctional government, there's a pair of articles in the World section about those ass clowns. The article about Trump's new national security strategy essentially argues that there is so much difference between the official version of the strategy and what Trump and other administration officials say about the strategy that nobody knows what the fuck they mean. So, if you were wondering whether other countries also thought of this administration as a master class in the dissemination of incoherent bullshit---yes, yes they do.

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