Sunday, December 24, 2017

22 December 2017

 I’m currently on an island that has an abundance of natural beauty and a serious dearth of good papers. The only two newspapers I can find in this place are The Australian—which I drew yesterday for the first and last time, because fuck that ridiculous pinheaded conservative rag—-and today’s newest entry into mixed media's Australian tour, The Courier Mail, a tabloid both in form and content. The Courier Mail, like The Australian, is a News Corp paper, so you can imagine the level of quality we’re dealing with here. Let me give you an example: a few pages into the paper you'll find half a page devoted to the gripping story of a kid running around a local mall wearing a Deadpool costume. The main story, about a vehicle rampage in Melbourne, is splashed across the front page in the most lurid, sensationalist manner possible. This all makes for amusing drawings, but as a news source it's completely laughable. It also happens to be pretty much the only paper I can get my hands on at the moment, so the next few days will unfold into some sort of unholy Courier Mail triptych.

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